Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The Empty Page

Located on Substack. More recent works available there.

It's no secret that most writers who wish to get into the field find themselves stymied by the initial "blank page," that daunting, seemingly impossible hurdle to overcome. So difficult is it that even writing coaches fail to properly address the subject, urging writers to investigate adjacent precepts like inventing a plot first, or looking over characterisations in deconstructed point form... and as ever the mainstay, "worldbuilding." These have their uses, and there will always be those who carry banners that reproach others for not taking these tactics, but in all truth, these things do not address those first unimagined words that must be applied to the intimidating, empty void.

The intent is to write a story — yet the word is so lacking in specificity that it leads us down a rabbit hole of "what kind of story" and "what is the story trying to say." This puts stress on form, and soon enough in the hopes that we'll invent something, we drift into separating stories into classes and categories like a biologist, imagining that once we can fix in our head the genus and species of the story we want to write, we can pin it like a beetle to a wax board. Then, perhaps, we might pull up a microscope and parse out the thing in perfect detail, with this, presumably, telling us what the first sentence ought to be, as something that miraculously becomes self-evident.

Yet we tell stories every day and never pause to think what the first sentence ought to be. "My boss asked me to come in on Saturday and I didn't want to, but then he explained that they were letting five people go this month, and that those names haven't been decided yet. I didn't like it but I had to say yes, didn't I? What a bastard. I'm not looking forward to going in, but I guess at least..." and so on.

This demonstrates that it isn't the first sentence we care about, but the importance of the sentence — it's perceived value to the reader. Yet we tell the story about our boss because we care what we're saying; and we perceive our friend cares about our experience; and it becomes quickly evident that we'd like to know, "at least what?" And that we're immediately filling in possibilities there that might fit the circumstances.

Long before we tell the story to our friend about our boss, or any story we tell, we dwell upon the story first. Our intent to tell our friend occurs ages before the telling... and admittedly, after the telling, we never feel it's landed as well as it ought. Our friend inevitably shows interest, but such tales are plainly not the scale that we're attempt to achieve when facing a blank page. Therefore, amidst the general ennui we receive from talking about ourselves, and the self-evident immateriality of these kind of stories, we assume this is not our path to "great writing." This latter must, therefore, have nothing to do with the stories we tell day-to-day. It must be some entirely other kind of beetle.

This is a trap. Stories are not made more relevant because they are, in themselves, more important. Nor are they more important because they're about something real, momentous or profound. Stories are important because of how we craft them. The above story about the boss may be insipid when it is between us and our friend, but it does not need to be when it arises between two completely fictional beings, whose existence we direct with omnipotence. We can do whatever we want with these two beings... and yet this, more than anything said so far, is the arresting, calcifying terror the white page represents. We do not feel like gods, and being told that this is what we are, terrifies the bejeezus out of us.

The page frightens not because of what it demands of us — the need to fill it with a worthy story — but of what it says about us. "You're a god, and you wrote this? Of all the things you could have written?" We cannot bear that judgment. Thus we turn to paths that others have already set in stone because it gives an answer to that question. "I wrote this because others did it, so it must have been worthy." It is a sad commentary upon us that we think this answer ought to satisfy anyone.

We get up in the morning and what we feel no need to defend what we have for breakfast, or if we have anything at all. It is our body, we'll fill it with what we will. We marry and we stand up before others and say, "I choose this person," presumably with the understanding that it is our choice, our judgment that matters. We perform a hundred actions a day that speak about who we are and what we like, and not only do we not take into account other people in this, we would be infuriated if others chose to weigh in. So why it is that this action, this process of writing, is treated so differently from anything else we might do, including decisions we make that won't just affect the rest of our lives, but the lives of our offspring for uncounted generations after us. Why, of all the god-like things we can do, does this god-like thing bring a fear of judgment?

There is an oft-expressed sentiment that intends to get us past this block: "Just Write." It is spoken like a mantra, like a religious doctrine that those in the know eventually achieve, like being permitted to step behind the sacred curtain. But writing is not a matter of belief. It is a structured, expertise-driven field. We cannot say to a nervous apprentice whose here to help us build a house, "Just Frame." That would be ridiculous. The newcomer must be shown, must be set to a specific task, must be watched and observed and trained upon task after task, until it can be done competently and with repose — and especially to the point where the now-expert can teach the next worker to frame. We can't bypass this practice in writing by waving a hand and spewing jargon, supposing that we have nothing concrete to say about managing the most basically simple task imaginable: write a first sentence.

We must read because writing it a task that's done alone. Every word we put before our eyes is a clue to how we put words together. Stand in a library and open book after book to see the first sentence in each, without reading farther, and we experience a strange transformation. At first, we perceive some capture our attention; but close the book, do not pursue that. We're learning to frame here. Most of the books we open, the first sentence really means nothing. After twenty books, we're bored of this task — but it takes a lot of nails to frame a house, so keep at it. At a hundred books, we've fallen into a habit; none of the first sentences intrigue us. But keep going. At a thousand books, we begin to grasp: it's just a sentence. We look at the title, we see its some famous book, some book that's supposed to enlighten us to some magnificent degree... yet the first sentence is really nothing at all. Slowly, we begin to conceive... a story is not built of one sentence, one paragraph or one chapter. It is built of something entirely different.

We eat a sausage for breakfast because we care for sausage. We marry because we care about this other person. All the other things we do throughout our day, we do according to how much we care about those things, versus what's expected of us. But we write alone. We don't need to care about another soul other than ourselves. When we eat sausages, we don't need everyone else to. When we marry, we don't expect others to marry alike people. We're perfectly comfortable with being alone in what we care about. So let's be comfortable when, alone, we write. Let's not worry about the reader's perception of value. We don't expect to eat sausages or marry as a career. Let's not write as a career. If that happens, so be it... but it will happen because, first, we didn't fear this nonsensical bugbear that we and others have nonsensically created together. It's a sentence. Write it because you care about what this sentence says, for your reasons, to satisfy your needs, to make the story you want to see. Then enjoy making that story happen as a god would enjoy it. To hell with everyone else.

Friday, March 7, 2025

How Wizards of the Coast Operates Like a Drug Dealer

It's not difficult to understand why so many new school dungeon masters today feel that their role is to manage the emotions of the players at the table. They've been told through endless writeups online and off that it's their responsibility to make sure that every player is having a good time. They've been taught to believe that players deserve a "hero moment"... and if one doesn't chance to happen though standard play, then it's the DM's "job" to make sure it does happen — either by lying about what the dice says, or adjusting the enemy monster's number of hit points... or by any means necessary to make sure that every player feels special. The game be damned.

Who has taught the DMs to do this? Why, obviously, the Wizards of the Coast. Their own published materials express again and again that game consequences are secondary to everyone having a good time. This sentiment has been vastly increased by D&D next... with books flat out saying that the rules don't really matter at all. Feelings do. It's pretty clear that dungeon masters are supposed to embrace this concept for the good of the "game" — and coincidentally, the company's profits also. It even more plain that Wizards of the Coast, with the rhetoric it's been putting out there, doesn't feel that they're responsible for providing a good game, either through rules or design. Oh no, this is the DM's "responsibility." And how are DM's expected to do this? Cheat. Lie. Anything that's necessary. Because happy players buy product. Unhappy, frustrated players don't.

The Wizards of the Coast makes it quite clear that they target a wide audience that includes both adults and teenagers. Legally and developmentally, teens are still minors... who are being actively shaped by marketing and encouragement of the same sort that is being given to adults: manipulate outcomes, manipulate your friends...

...and join a game culture in which dishonesty is seen as acceptable and even necessary for the game's premise.

Wizards of the Coast likes to say that "it knows what it means to be a DM."  But this doesn't directly say, "Don't lie.  Don't play mind games with your friends' expectations.  In fact, it tacitly suggests that company, like the DM, would do whatever's necessary.  This is a chilling approach for a billion dollar company to take in the public face it adopts.

For the typical dungeon master, fudging dice and quietly adjusting a monster's hit points on the sly, this is seen as a selfless act.  Every player, in their opinion, ought to have a chance to deal out the "killing blow."  And since we can't count on the rules or the dice to determine how and when this happens, it falls to the strong, responsible Dungeon Master to make that determination.  After all, having godlike powers over the characters is standard policy.  Why not play a little god on the side with a few actual human beings?

Pressed on this point, these same DM's protest their gracious sainthood, explaining that they're "helping their players" by smoothing out difficulties, nudging the "story" — the predestination of game play the DM has arbitrarily imposed because, again, the company encourages it — in the "right" direction.  They're curating a satisfying arc for each player's character... though of course as the DM defines it, not the player.  It's fairly obvious, though such DMs do not admit it, or may even be incapable of understanding what they sound like, is that these game managers aren't doing any of this for the players at all.  They're doing it for the sense of self-importance the practice gives them.

It hardly has to be said by anyone whose played the game... but for any parents reading this, who may not be well-versed in the game's structure and function:  a dungeon master wields an incredible amount of social power at the game table.  The DM says who is allowed to speak and who isn't; they are empowered to judge every person's action, capriciously, ignoring the rules when they feel the rules don't apply in this specific situation.  Since each player's success in the game depends on the DM's rulings, it's relatively easy for a charismatic DM to mount social pressure against one player's refusal to conform to the group's dynamic.  If we were to compare the Wizards of the Coast's game to a religious cult, the DM is the priest and the players aren't.  It is this exact arrangement that blew up the 1980s with fear of the "Satanic Panic," that feared DMs might be using their influence to mess with the heads of their players.

The "Panic" is long gone.  It was defeated by the simple fact that most dungeon masters were responsible, decent, rule-abiding individuals who considered the importance of game play to be more important than ideology or righteousness.  But once upon a time, this attitude failed to adequately fill the coffers of the actual game manufacturer's... who set about imposing new rules and new attitudes in an effort to dismantle the control of ordinary DMs who just wanted to play an ordinary game. 

Being a fair and capable DM is very difficult.  It takes enormous respect for the game, a willingness to commit hundreds of hours learning the rules and how to apply them, an actually selfless "hands off" approach to game play, letting the dice and the rules — agreed upon by everybody — to dictate right from wrong.  For these reasons, and especially because most DMs find the role to be somewhat thankless, there have never been enough dungeon masters for all the players who want to play.  But that dearth is a double-edged sword, one that certain factions within the D&D community have sought to weaponise.

Because dungeon masters are more likely to buy new rule books, because they have reasons to buy maps and modules, because it is their homes that are dressed up for play... and because they are naturally more involved with the game than anyone, where it comes to buying product from game companies, dungeon masters are early adopters and pioneer customers.  They're the much sought-after charter customers, who help shape the product; they're beta testers, as they're the first to engage; they're inside customers, especially since social media's onset, because they form exclusive groups together.  And they're champion users: they are always the first to promote something they like.  If you're going to succeed as a company that sells product to D&D players, then DMs are your gold standard customers.  They make your money for you.

Wouldn't it be great if there were more of them?

Well, one way would be to reduce the importance of the rules.  If the rules weren't sacrosanct, if they could be gotten around and ignored, then it wouldn't be such an obstacle to new, wannabe DMs.  What if we, as a company, began to build new game systems that steadily undermined the necessity of ability for prospective DMs?  Wouldn't they, as they began to engage the game in their new capacity, still buy all the books and maps and modules?  Especially if we made those less complicated also?  

Without rules, there would surely be greater chaos at the table, so we'll need something to counteract that. Conflict is a huge impediment to wannabe DMs. No worries. D&D needn't be a conflict-driven game; no, it's a "story" game. Better, it's emergent storytelling, that's it. It's a game of imagination, of group storytelling, where people's characters can now have the weight of backstories — nonexistent in the old game — that subverts the player's personal motivations in game play, subverting those with the more practical, simpler, constrained motivations of a fictional being.  Conflict will still occur, but we'll have reduced how much that conflict revolves around the rules and the game's expectations, replacing it with conflict between what my fictional character wants versus your fictional character.

But it's okay, because the dungeon master is going to make sure that every fictional character gets exactly what they want when the story ends.  And all those former premises of D&D?  Risk, challenge, consequence — gone.  The game isn't about skill, strategy or luck any more.  It's about delivering an experience that aligns with what WOTC — er, the new school DM — has rebranded as "good" storytelling.

And what do these new schoolers get out of playing god?

The Drug

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, a chemical, naturally produced in the body, which has evolved to reward specific behaviours in the host.  When we feel confident, when we feel important, or we recognise our heightened status above others, that's serotonin at work in our bodies, rewarding us for having succeeded in becoming those things.  When a tribal member returned to the camp with the largest chunk of meat, receiving the praise of everyone and knowing that he, Ugg, was better than any other, he felt compelled during the next hunt to achieve that reward again.  He didn't understand it any better than most modern humans do; in fact, for most, they don't realise how many of their "feelings" are really just kinds of evolutionary drug highs.  En masse, humans pretend it just isn't so.

But those who make a living by telling companies how to adjust products or change the colouring on a bottle of shampoo know perfectly well how to manipulate us as biological entities.  For those with experience and training in marketing, accessing and manipulating human behaviour is their bread and butter — especially since a great many buyers refuse to believe they can be manipulated.  There is little incentive to educate them.  We want buyers who don't know why they're buying... it's how we get rich, acquiring a little of our own seratonin.

Who better to advantage than a crowd of people already getting their seratonin fix by adopting the role of DM, where they're in charge?  DMs are assertive, dominant, self-assured... all things encouraged and rewarded by surges of seratonin.  The feeling of authority — earned or not — is wonderful.  All we need do is convince someone they are in control... and let the seratonin do the rest.  Would-be dungeon masters fit the profile and are far easier to get onboard that people with actual power.  All that's needed is a product to sell them.

Whatever Wizards of the Coast is doing today, we can be sure of one thing: it isn't about game design, storytelling or even community.  It's about making money off  people who have been primed to want what they're selling.

For let's be honest... we can see evidence of DMs seeking this serotonin high.  They enjoy being the "provider" for their players: the one who determines who gets to be important tonight, who gets to be the person with the biggest emotional payoff.  It feels good to be the one that makes others feel good.  It's the same pleasure that a storyteller feels when an audience gasps at a twist.  It's the same satisfaction that we feel when a guest praises our hospitality.  It's not necessarily malicious... but it's not selfless, either.  We're getting precisely what we sought for: to have a party so we could feel like the big kahuna.

Where the wheels fall off the wagon is where dungeon masters continue to pay lip service to dungeons and dragons as a "game" while deliberately and consciously subverting its game like features in order to get that high. No one says, "Come and participate in my dungeons and dragons make-you-feel-important event, so you can feel great."  No, they deliberately frame the event as though it is still a game.  They sell it as a game... and then they blatantly cheat the game to make themselves feel important.  For through all this, there's one massive contingent of people who have been exploited by all this marketing cleverness and redesign: the players.

Those DMs who have bought into the company's rhetoric are actively, reprehensibly, exploiting players to achieve this high.  And they don't care.  Any investigation into the dialogue going on between dungeon masters on various social media sites makes it clear that DMs not only feel justified in this exploitation, they choose to frame it as good will and kindness, the phrasing a contemptuous landowner would use in the abuse and ill treatment of slaves.  Players are fodder, players are easy to get, there are more than enough players to go around, oh to hell with players if they don't know how the sausage gets made and so on.  It's toxic, it's pervasive and it's silently encouraged by an institution that fails to speak out about it or condemn DMs for this behaviour.  On the contrary, the new books of D&D Next give their full, blind approval to it's continuation.

For a game that is sold to a significant number of children that are aged less than 12.

Let's not hedge.  Just as the clothing industry is about selling sexualised products to young children who aren't old enough to make rational purchase choices, so that the sizes of everything available proliferate between zero and 6, with almost nothing available for sizes larger than 10, the present state of D&D is about conditioning young, impressionable minds to accept deception and exploitation as normal and expected.

The Dealer

Since 2008, WOTC has pushed hard a philosophy of game design that prioritises player empowerment over fair play.  Fourth Edition, which removed resource management as a meaningful challenge, stripped away the mechanical limitations of spellcasting and introduced cooldowns that ensured no player ever had to go without something powerful to do.  The game was no longer about survival, tactics or long-term planning.  It was about making sure that every player always felt powerful.

Fifth Edition has continued this trend, embedding it even more deeply into the culture of the game.  Now, the entire structure of D&D is built around protecting the player's experience at the expense of challenge.  Failures are softened, setbacks are temporary and dungeon masters are encouraged — both in the official books and in online discussions — to do whatever is necessary to keep their players happy.

The result has been a fundamental shift in what players expect from D&D.  A generation has grown up with the belief that D&D is not a game to be won or lost, but a storytelling experience designed to ensure that everyone gets their moment to shine. They do not see a Dungeon Master who cheats on their behalf as a liar—they see it as a kindness. And because of this, they do not expect fair play.  No DM expects that the dice will actually determine the outcome, but the argument is still being made that it does and it will.

If players are confronted by a situation where they genuinely fail, they get angry.  They rush onto social media and denounce the DM.  "Can you believe my player died?  What's D&D coming to?"  The moment that players, raised from childhood in D&D now, experience the "game" for what it actually is — something that involves real consequences — they reject it outright. 

And this is exactly what Wizards of the Coast wants.  We are given ever-larger estimates of how many people are playing the "game"... which isn't one anymore.  It's a bunch of participants engaging in something that, in any other context, would look like a cult.  The more players they can claim, the more successful they appear, the more important they can present themselves as being.  But they don't care any more about the participants than a dealer does... so long as they keep buying.

This Week's Wiki

For those not following me on Patreon, this is a list of adjusted or rewritten Authentic Wiki content compatible with 1st edition D&D, or merely of interest, updated in the last week.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Mass Unit Battles

Yesterday I reworked a page on the wiki, Block Hex, which discusses the use of 145 yard wide hexes to map towns and cities, as well as tactical battle-maps. This is a subject not particularly interesting to a great many "story-based" players, who don't want their character's lives judged by anything as irksome as "randomness" or "total disregard for one's ego"... but for others, there remains the concept that seeks to embrace war and all it's indifference, collateral damage and, well, actual significance, as opposed to the personality needs of a player's blessed character.

Of course, no combat system I've encountered has ever achieved this.  I've read some that claimed to do so, but since D&D players tend to put the individual on a pedestal, it's hard to capture that sense created with wargame set-ups from Avalon Hill in the 1970s, when whole armies evaporated on hillsides like so many mook kobalds before a 17th level fighter lord.  Back when fighters got one attack per level against creatures with less than 1 full hit die.  Remember those days?

The trick as I see it, the solution for which I've not devised either, is to ignore the D&D combat system altogether when resolving large unit combats.  Don't try to represent it exactly.  A combat system, whether its RISK, Axis and Allies or Panzer Leader, is merely a way to resolve moments of strategy and tactics in a believable, methodical way that rewards thinking despite randomness, thus allowing players with experience and foresight to succeed repeatedly against those who think "tactics" boils down to getting there first with the greatest number.  I had a lot of experience in those hex-and-counter games in the 70s, before I'd heard of D&D.  No one needed to convince us that winning demanded a plan of action, not reliance on die rolls.

Of course, nearly everyone who plays D&D right now — particularly those who despise tactical combat approaches — are all in with the "stand-face-to-face-and-roll-dice-til-someone's-points-run-out" method.  The game has been redesigned to death to achieve this end result, which is described, universally, as boring.

But at least no one always wins.

Back in '77-'78, around the time I was in grade 9, we had a fellow who would not miss a session.  His name was Todd.  I wouldn't exactly say he was "accepted;" I remember quite a few contemptuous arguments about Todd when he wasn't present.  This was because when it came time to choose teams, Todd was going to be on either theirs or ours; if ours, we were going to lose in the end; if theirs, we were going to win.

As a general, one has to imagine Daniel Edgar Sickles, who incompetently led his men on the second day of Gettysburg from a strongly defensive position into a spectacular slaughterfest where whole companies were effaced from the planet, for... reasons.  This thankfully ended his military career.  Todd was Sickles right down to the ground.  For Todd, the best way to win a battle against hulled down tanks in forest hexes with infantry was to charge directly across a wide open field, "surprising them," as Todd would have put it.  This would encourage the others to try and explain just why this was stupid and how he might learn from the experience, but none of that went with Todd.  He wasn't there to learn how to play, dammit.  He was there to play.

Modern D&D has made it easier to be Todd because "being Todd" is how the rules work now.

But I digress.  A large-unit tactical game ought not to do this.  There ought to be features that make it matter whether or not I order the units across that creek bed or through this forest, in a relatively predictable, progressively experience-giving manner, despite the necessary die roll.  Numerous war games of that period had this... and this, I remind the reader, is the headspace and culture that embraced D&D and encouraged it's early growth.

Because, like the games we knew, it was tactical.  And we liked that.

But then, we got older, got out of school, had families, got to busy working... and a bunch of kids who were raised on non-tactical video games ruined everything.

I'm not bitter.

I don't know what that tactical large-scale block-hex game would be.  If I stumble across it in the cobwebby parts of my brain where I keep the rules of Car Wars stuffed in the bottom drawer of an unused bureau, I'll let you know.

If we were to install levelled characters into a larger "unit" that moved upon the battlefield, those levels and their skills would have to be accounted for in some manner.  The presence of magic, of course, is the stumbling block.  How do we rate a high level mage within a host of 400, attacking another host of the same size, acknowledging that the mage (at least in AD&D) has limited spell-use over time — and thus, over time, matter less and less in terms of that unit's overall power?

In my game experience, against a large force, running a mass combat precisely how a small combat is run, an 11th level mage runs out of any real significant power in about 20-25 rounds.  By then, most of their big spells are spent, leaving them the tactical equivalent of a third or forth level caster, who might still sting a little but has done what they can to swing the tide of battle.

I don't have an answer for that, either, but we must acknowledge that in larger hex tactical battles, time is far more relevant than it is in a standard D&D fight.  Distance between points of reference requires that.  Time likewise diminishes the strength of OD&D casters fairly quickly... so that, in the end, it's still the waves and waves of fighting combatants that matters.

The only question I can solve is that of "survival."

Let us say we have two mass units of 400 souls each, filled with levels and non-levels, especially the latter.  The fight and both sides experience 25% casualties.  That's not deaths, that's just the reduction of combatants to a point where they can no longer engage.  Naturally, we wonder just exactly who this includes... and the temptation is to nitpick our way through the process of specifically rating the loss of exactly this many soldiers and levels down to the last individual.  A mistake, of course.  We shouldn't care.  The overall unit is re-rated and that's all we need do.  Unit Red Vanguard diminishes from a power of 20 to a power of 15.

BUT... suppose there are leveled players of the party in there?  Are they dead?  We've taken away their right to roll their d20s to hit by shoving them into a mass of others and saying, "Oh no, you're overall contribution is insignificant.  You can roll for the Red Vanguard mass as a whole, but not for yourself individually."

Just listen to the storygamers moan...

But do they survive?  Does the player's 4th level ranger survive?  Or is the ranger part of the general casuality pile, and what state are they in?  Unconscious?  Dead?  Anxious players want to know.

Well, if it's a 25% loss, then we can make that a die number to be rolled and anyone caught in that segment might be either unconscious or dead.  Then, because levelled persons are logically resilient, and higher levels more so, we can assign a base number for whether or not the character has flat out died when the dust has cleared.

Funny how that seems more arbitrary that a dragon unleashing a breath weapon.  Ah well.

We could say, all leveled persons within the casualty pile have a base 50% chance of survival.  This can then be augmented by F1 +50% = unconscious survival, where "F" stands for Fibonacci and the subordinate number equals both the number in the Fibonacci sequence and the character's level.  F1 = 1, F2 = 1, F3 = 2, F4 = 3, F5 = 5, F6 = 8, F7 = 13, F8 = 21, F9 = 34, F10 = 55.  Therefore, a 9th level character would have a 50+(34/2) = 84% chance of being unconscious/wounded and a 16% chance of being dead; while a 10th level would automatically survive.  Or we could impose a necessary 1% to 5% chance of failure, regardless of level, so that there'd always be some chance of death, depending on how hard we wanted to go at this.

Naturally, the manner in which these numbers are assigned, or what the base chance is, can all be debated.  There's no necessary right answer until the system is gametested.

This is what I've got on this subject.  Thank you.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Why I Ruin D&D for Everyone

I went to see the dentist yesterday for a cleaning.  I've been going to the same office for a decade now, and have never been restrained about what I do or what I'm interested in.  My dentist even bought a copy of my menu.  So yesterday when the new hygienist began our conversation with, "You're the D&D expert, aren't you?", it wasn't much of a surprise.

Being in her 40s, she was interested in talking about her son's interest in the game and in her own attempts to play it... with the latter concentrating on how hard she found it to make decisions.  "I didn't know what to do," she told me, slipping the napkin around my neck.  "I had to ask others to tell me, so I found it all very confusing."  I thought it might end there, but she really dug into the game, asking me if I thought much of it ought to be based on die rolling or decision-making, if there was a right way to play, what it was like being a dungeon master (she had to be reminded what the term was) and so on.  She was plainly trying to figure out her son's interest, but of course I was more interested in hers.

I pointed out that most of the time we're not put in a position where we have to make life-critical decisions in real life.  Each day we get up and know more or less what we're going to do.  Decision-making is limited to whether or not it's a good idea to get a second donut with our coffee today, or should we wear the white shirt rather than the blue one (though we nearly always wear the one we most like that's clean today), or if we should phone our mother today or put it off until tomorrow.

Nearly all of the time, that's as far as we go.  Any deeper decisions, such as should we move to a better neighbourhood, should we start changing our diet, should we go to Gimli this year like every year or spend a lot more and see Belize, we kick daily down the road until we're "ready" to address that more difficult thing.  We know we will, we know we can, but really, it's still February and that's not going to happen until late July (though, really, go to Belize in Jan-Feb), so we don't have to face that problem right now.  We'll manage in it April.  Or later.

D&D, however, played in the traditional way, demands a decision every couple of minutes.  What we store in our packs, what weapon we pick as our character's mainstay, what spell we choose, what order we freaking walk in when we enter the dungeon... these decisions are crucial — and ever more so as we become familiar with the game and recognise, down the line, that we have picked the wrong weapon because it doesn't work in this small space or its too heavy, or it doesn't hit with enough game resonance to count.

This decision-making process isn't just paralysing, it's alien to the experience that most people have day to day.  It's something a child manages better, because school (still, though not as much) puts them in situations where they have to answer for themselves, explain why they said something, accept the adjudication of elders and figure out how to improve their lives by getting around these three impositions.  They are forced to make decisions because so much of their lives are not in their own hands; but once they become adults, and make the really big choices (what am I going to do for money), that daily decision effort fades away, year by year.  By the time they're in their 30s, they're mostly free of it.  And they especially don't like being pushed by others into making decisions they don't care to make.

That's why a lot of closely knit friendships tend to evaporate in their 30s.  The process of getting up in the morning, getting the kids off to school, doing the two or three things to maintain the house in order, going to work, getting food ready, finding a moment's peace and so on becomes routine and decision-free — and tiring — and it begins to feel like we don't want to decide which bar we're going to drink at tonight or what special thing we're going to do.  It's easier to go to the same bar.  It's easier if no new people show up, who have to be spoken with in a special way.  It's easier if no decision, after our long day, needs making.

And single people?  Well, they have time to make decisions, don't they?

So, when people stay with D&D into their 20s and 30s, their approach to the game starts to shift too.  Having figured out the basic details, those already discussed, and knowing who ought to lead when entering the dungeon — well, they pretty must just want to run in a dungeon, right?  I mean, we know basically what happens, and what's expected of us, and what the right decision is, so it feels like our... well, like our daily grind, but less boring.  D&D has the viscerality of slaughtering something, collecting something new, solving some small puzzle (within reason) and the camaraderie of others who "get" the game as we do.  We don't want to make a lot of deep, complex decisions... a mystery is fine, but we're not really looking for a gut-wrenching dilemma to solve, one that's going to prey on us after the game is over, making us wonder, "Did we do the right thing?"  We don't want that.  We just want a good, gently immersive game, that allows us to put all that other stuff aside and narrow the walls of stress and difficulty down to manageable proportions.

I didn't explain all this to the hygienist, but I did point out the way she must have felt when she didn't know what decision to make.  She admitted, she didn't want to do anything "wrong."  That is a big thing in the minds of a lot of players.  They don't want to screw up, they don't want to look foolish... and they really don't want to let down others by failing to do what they should have done.

There are always those who solve this problem by doing stupid things, all the time — because if they do this deliberately, it's not a mistake, its a character choice.  It is far, far easier to look at a situation and solve the puzzle, "What is the dumbest possible thing I could do right now?", than it is to solve the more difficult conundrum, "What would be the smartest thing?"  By doing the former, it discards the necessity of doing the latter.  Problem solved.

Get these people out of your game as soon as you can.  If you examine their real lives any, you'll find that they're systematically ruining their futures in all kinds of ways you don't want to be near, when it happens.

This is also the reason why players drift towards performative D&D.  It is the game done for show, rather than out of any genuine conviction or commitment.  Such persons are seeking social approval or  signal virtue, evident by the way they disparage those who find such things unimportant or even tacitly repulsive (like I do).  Unable to be politicians, such players still want their opportunities to make grand speeches, to preen, to cock the walk, to feel important when in fact they know they're not.  They may not be capable of getting attention in the real world, but they've discovered that D&D offers them a small enough audience to enable them to effectively impress, where no real competition exists.  They can't act their way out of a paper bag; they'd look moronic and gauche on a real stage; in a public venue as small as a coffee shop they'd induce everyone to roll their eyes and want them to just go... but at a D&D table, these people are Stars!  It's their one real chance to have the life they fantasise about living.

It's easy to see how the present evolved game has carefully scrubbed out the decision-making element.  There are no real consequences for bad play, retconning is considered an imperative for every "responsible" DM and the goal is "fun" not risk and consequence.  Oh, the word "risk" is still employed... but again, in a performative, superficial sort of way.  Like a dumbshow, a pantomime we play through, knowing nothing can go wrong.  But then, playing the game this way, we don't want things to go wrong.  When the ball rolls around and bounces on the roulette table and ends up in "00", we still win.

It really is a kind of hell.  It's literally a Twilight Zone episode, A Nice Place to Visit, where the gangster gets excited at first about his afterlife because he consistently wins at the roulette wheel and the slot machine.  Inevitably, though, this gets boring, forcing him to examine what's really going on.

As a DM, I don't do any of this.  I like making decisions, and I like being pushed into things where I have to make one.  I like situations that are difficult to solve, which I can puzzle out for hour after hour.  It is one of the reasons I write or read fiction, so that I can decide how the thing that motivates the main character drives this behaviour and that consequence, which ends in a resounding, satisfying ending. It's why I read books that don't follow a hero's journey, that often end in tragedy or remorse, because it's unexpected and revealing as regards human nature and character.

S o when I run a game, no, I don't want to create a dungeon and run people through it.  If it isn't a dungeon, it isn't constructed like a dungeon ought to be.  When I propose a problem, I don't create the solution also; I don't bother.  I want to impose something consequential, that might really happen — some sort of cruelty is taking place, perpetrated by one people onto another — where no solution exists because through the human experiment, no solution ever has existed.  Yet the player's hands are unbound; they're not expected to solve it, they're expected to manage themselves within it.  This fascinates me endlessly, and it fascinates the players who try my game and like it.

I don't need to make everybody happy, just a small collection of people.  Those people can be picked and chosen to be just like I am.  Those who want to engage on a weightier, meatier level will find the peculiar sort of enjoyment at my table they can't get anywhere else.  Because it's not wanted.

That's the thing.  I ruin D&D because I keep pointing out, with arguments that explain how frivolous, shallow and unengaged most players are, and want to be, that whatever they're doing isn't remotely the sort of game that D&D could be.  I don't see the game as a diversion or just a thing to do Saturday when we're not playing poker or watching a film together.  It's an art form for me, an intellectual pursuit, a thing that requires expertise and effort to do well.  Exactly what most people do not want the game to be, primarily because that's not what they want their lives to be.  They're not interested in being "better" as people.  They're doing all they can just to keep from being bored when they cook enough food to fill their bellies.

Moreover, I won't just shut up.  I won't let people just throw out a few words to defend their performative style of play and accept in on a principle I don't agree with.  I won't live and let live.  They're wrong, and everything decent thing that exists in this world, that comes about because of EXPERTISE and EFFORT, those things those people don't want to be part of, proves it.  Hold up a mirror to these people and they know they're being shallow and selfish.  The only argument they have it so tell me to put my mirror away, so they don't have to look at it.

Anyway, no, I did not say all of this to the hygeinist.  I pointed out that she usually didn't make decisions about things where the consequences mattered, and that's why the game made her uncomfortable.  She agreed.  She's just an everyday person, with no skin in the game, so it's easier for her — bereft of emotional props and rationalisations — to just see that, hm, yes, it was hard to decide what the right thing to do was.  There was no sense of being judged, no reason not to just see that... as her subsequent conversation showed.  I wanted to suggest that she might just try again, being a little more aware that the decisions she needed to make weren't that consequential... but if she wants to try the game again, if her son will let her, then she will without my urging it.

I wish that when I talk to D&D players, I didn't have to spend so much time getting around all the bullshit they've been told and which they've embraced... because it really creates a divide between D&D as a game and D&D as a culture.  The latter has utterly ruined the former... not just for noobs, but for themselves, because really, there's nowhere to take the performative game.  It just lurches on until it becomes undead, like a television show entering it's 8th season.  Everyone quits and for the rest of their lives they say things to me like, "Oh, D&D?  It's all right I guess.  I played it a bit in university... but after awhile, I just didn't see the point."

Mm hm.  That's mostly it.  What's the point.  It's not like it matters.  Sort of like those ten books most people can remember having read in high school or college; To Kill a Mockingbird and what not.  The ten pieces of literature upon which all their decision-making wisdom is based upon — that bleak, hard to comprehend lexicon that makes Star Wars, the Marvel Universe, Transformers and the Game of Thrones look like such gems of emotive, signalling genius.


I ask for too much.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

From a D&D Influencer

It's wonderful when I get emails like this:

Gosh.  I'm thrilled to have risen so high in the esteem of my colleagues.  'Course, this rings with all the flair of writing to Haing S. Ngor to tell him they're about to make The Killing Fields into a musical.

But then, having spent decades writing about the game in a meaningful way, as a rich, immersive experience, perhaps I shouldn't see this as a little shallow... or insulting.  After all, why not be proud of the vague "D&D Influencer" moniker, even though in this case it hasn't quite shown enough influence to encourage these improve actors to read a single post from my blog.

After all, they're only trying to co-opt the D&D brand without respecting the first thing about it, that brand having become significant enough to justify its blatant exploitation.  Why would that bother me?

More importantly, why should it bother any of you, dear readers?  Most of you aren't invested in this game all that much, yes?  I mean, you don't care if they shit all over your last Friday night by putting a paycheque in their pockets.  Just imagine the blast you'd have seeing this... if you lived anywhere near Walnut Creek, California, that is.  Damn near the centre of the universe.  On the other hand, if you happen to live in Basingstoke, Timmins or Chongju, at least you can feel a warm, fuzzy feeling knowing that scores of people are laughing themselves silly between shouting "orc!" or "burn down the tavern!" 

Entertainment at its finest.

So sure, c'mon, listen to your influencer here.  Clap your hands loud enough to make yourself heard in Gralnut Wove, it's the least you can do.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Wiki Work, Revisited

There, it's been 18 days since I posted the last one of these.  The total pages has risen, I have reviewed and reworked a ton of files, including 19 I chose not to finish on the first pass.  The unedited pages have dropped somewhat below a thousand and I feel I'm making headway.   I could not be working at this speed without ChatGPT to correct language while generating ideas out of the blue.  None of this is critical writing, so the goal is to provide as much cultivated depth to the game world, while I'm here to make sure nothing steps out of the intended continuity.

I've had little to say of late about how to run the game, what the game is meant to accomplish or even providing context for gaming.  All I can do now is try to express the difficulty of keeping oneself focused on plain work... while stressing that the goal is to do anything that's necessary to keep one at it.  For example, here I'm posting this work schedule and talking about it as I go because the sharing of this process is itself supportive of my desire to continue it.

With experience, logical or not, the principle obstacle that any DM has to overcome is the will to keep going.  The size of the project is simply incomprehensible, and too much thought on that is bound to sink one's motivations.  862 pages is a lot.  But since the first week in January I've addressed 250 such pages, which serves as a reminder that most of the time, the actual work for each one of these pages is not that much.  Most of these need the lightest of tweaking, a little shifting of phrases around and a bit of continuity regarding added tables and details.

A few more complicated pages have been floating in the background with the words, "Okay, eventually" stamped on them.  Of course, "eventually" never arrives and it's easy just to ignore them month after month... even year after year, as the wiki's time stamps demonstrate.  This is why I invented the "incomplete" stage... for those rules and pages that really need a long-term approach, both due to their complexity and the sheer unpleasantness of working upon them.  This makes a little slashing away at them, shrinking the pile of work they require, a little more tolerable.  The approach allows us to say, "okay, I don't have to finish this today; I just have to do enough to make it easier to finish tomorrow."

The relief this provides is enormous.  And as I've adopted a random approach to this, it means I don't precisely know when tomorrow is going to arrive. It may literally be the next day; it may not be for a year.  But eventually, it's going to appear on the "oldest" roster — when at last it is met, if only a little, after a very long, much-appreciated rest.

I'll say first, if you're not building your game world on a computer and a wiki, you're a fool.  Yes, I know I've had trouble with them... the technology hasn't been trustworthy, at least not for me, and I would not accept, for too long, the need to pay the price for them.  But I cannot express how possible it has been for this process to produce the immensity of this project... and the potential it has to be so much larger, so long as I don't have to copy this whole monster again to some other platform.  Cross my fingers.

Saturday, February 22, 2025


Now and then, I wring these magnificent gems out of chat... most of the time, they just emerge spontaneously:

A modern Crime and Punishment would be a goddamn gotcha story, where Raskolnikov is revealed to have thought about killing the pawnbroker but, in a last-minute twist, never actually did it. Or maybe he did, but—plot twist!—he was secretly justified all along because the pawnbroker was running a child slavery ring, and suddenly he’s a tragic antihero instead of a man wrestling with guilt and ideology.

Or worse, the entire thing would be framed as trauma recovery. Instead of exploring moral consequence and existential despair, we’d get a narrative bending over backwards to reassure us that Raskolnikov was just a victim of circumstance, mental illness, and the crushing weight of society. He wouldn’t suffer because of what he did—he’d suffer because of what happened to him, shifting the entire burden of responsibility away from his own choices.

That’s the disease in modern storytelling: a deep-seated fear of letting a character be wrong. Writers today don’t want true moral ambiguity. They want antiheroes who are only bad because they have to be, because the world left them no choice. There’s no real punishment anymore, because that would mean acknowledging that the character actually did something worth punishing.

Dostoevsky didn’t write to make Raskolnikov likable—he wrote to make him real. A modern version would be afraid of that.

I for one welcome our new A.I. overlords... 

Friday, February 21, 2025

This Week's Wiki

For those not following me on Patreon, this is a list of adjusted or rewritten Authentic Wiki content compatible with 1st edition D&D, or merely of interest, updated in the last week.